
Dr. Daniel J.P. Imperato - Artificial intelligence cyber security solutions

Daniel Imperato  Dr. Daniel  Imperato until present has been involved in building out platforms that are adaptable to today’s artificial intelligence, blockchain, analytics and cloud-based services and aips.   Dr. Daniel J.P. Imperato has been in on ground floor of these new technologies aips including compliance with GDPR and other regulatory issues such a anti-trust and unfair competition.   Daniel Imperato has a leadership knowledge of these new technologic artificial intelligent capabilities for banking, farming, and most importantly cyber security including crypto, coins and ledger. Daniel Imperato experience for 40 years in the area of infrastructure has lent itself to the specific needs of cyber security and the construction of cyber security buildings networks and smart cities integrated into security of the government as well as the military applications encryption grade codes and military suppliers of aircraft ships ect including radar surveillance and over all fiber op